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"Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open."
-Elihu Burrit
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Absinthe Flip Recipe

1/2 oz Absinthe (Deva)
1/2 oz Cointreau
2 tsp Lemon juice
1 Egg
1 tsp Sugar
Mixing Instruction
Shake ingredients well with ice. Strain into a prechilled Delmonico glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
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US Auto Companies: "Who's John Galt?"
Monday, November 13, 2006
Our major auto companies and many of our major US manufactures are union shops. Ford and GM will make approximately 500,000 less cars in the US as a result of rising health care costs and other burdens the company must carry. In addition, Toyota is contin ualy gaining US marketshare.

The burden of union benefits will cause Ford and GM to experience death by healthcare and pension expenses and basicaly requires them to look overseas for cost saving measures. The union will kill themselves by virtue of killing their employers.

Capital Research and Management Co. has reduced its capitalization of General Motors stock by 13.4 million shares over the past four months. That is
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 3:26 PM  
  • At Sunday, December 31, 2006 7:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Those poor companies! I sat and cried my eyes out....having to provide health care for their there no pity? They'll be after executive bonuses next. I'm thinking we should be motivating workers more. Let's get them all to double their mortgages and provide unsecured loans to the employers for use in the business. I mean, if they're really committed to free enterprise they'll jump at the chance. Thankfully the world is moving back to sensible times, a time when Upstairs holds the purse strings and Downstairs know their place. It's the natural order of things and it's in the Bible. Throwing money at the moral failures of our employees is an easy and selfish course of action. Taking a stand is the kindest thing we can ever do.

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