The Export to China Opportunity |
Monday, November 13, 2006 |
Here is the link and a summary.
Exporting to China: Peril or Smart Business Plan http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-831942912969504009&q=China+business+seminar
China, one of the fastest growing economies in the world, has strong attractions for American traders who are considering entering the ... all » Chinese market. Yet it can be a difficult country in which to do business. American firms must deal with a wide variety of issues, including the changing priorities of the Chinese Government, the lack of transparency in government decision making, the ups and downs of U.S.-China relations and the difficulties in dealing with a different culture. This 2 hour 50 minute long seminar will help guide you past such obstacles—and put you on the path to a successful venture in this large and challenging market. Topics covered include:
Prospects for the Chinese Economy. - General overview plus business environment as perceived by American business in China (examples include HR, IPR, WTO). - Industry Issues, including Automotive, Banking. - Outlook for Business in China
China's Commercial Landscape - Opportunities and Challenges, Paths to Market Entry and Available Federal Resources
Managing Risk in an Evolving Business Environment. - Protecting IP. - Negotiating contracts, useful clauses & considerations.
Assessing and Reaching Chinese Market. - Customs and Logistics: Getting your products to Market. - Secure Financing and Getting Paid
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 2:13 PM   |