Iraq: The Free Country |
Saturday, November 04, 2006 |
"Freedom" and "security" are not synonyms.
Iraq is a free country. It is apparent that segments of the Iraqi population act without regard for the priniciples or policies of any government. Iraq is an example of a free country with all of the blemishes of free human behavior. Although there are significant initiatives to curtail the freedoms that in this country and to create a secure environment, it is now apparent what the will of the people looks like.
For all of the criticism that the current administation has recieved for its Iraq policy, they did indeed succeed at freeing the Iraq people. The only problem was the people behind the bars who are willing to take action in the absences of oppression have voted through their actions that they like oppression and have entered into violent campaigns to insert a new order.
As can be noted from the history of the U.S. and France and many other democratic governements, democracies are usually borne through violence and violent actions. Those who who watch the news on a daily basis are priveleged to watch the societal equivalent of a supernova on live TV. There is a great deal to be learned from these events.
The expectation that all of Iraq will align under the same flag in short order seems a little naive. Look at the former USSR - all broken up. Look at Rhode Island, a state smaller than the city of Houston - it's people preferred to remain a separate entity from other states and it has remained such for over 200 years. Then look again at Rhode Island -- an area smaller than that of Houston -- with two votes in the US Sentate. Then look at the former USSR, each new country now gets a vote in the UN. There is more power to be gained in a world democracy by alowing the country to be three separate countries that will vote on global issues in approximately the same way.
It is best for the US and many nations to see Iraq remain one continuous state, yet, to do so guarantees a few more years or decades of bloodshed and instability as freedoms are excercised and the Western world criticizes the very idea they claim to defend. |
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 8:25 PM   |