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Absinthe Flip Recipe

1/2 oz Absinthe (Deva)
1/2 oz Cointreau
2 tsp Lemon juice
1 Egg
1 tsp Sugar
Mixing Instruction
Shake ingredients well with ice. Strain into a prechilled Delmonico glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
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I Never Knew Clinton Was Disbarred
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Here are couple links to a factoid about Bill Clinton - apparently he is no longer permitted to practice law before the Supreme Court and Arkansas Supreme Court. The following links carry the story:

Prior to Disbarment
Clinton Disbarred From Supreme Court
Clinton Disbarred From Supreme Court -Fox News
Irish Examiner - Clinton Disbarred

It is rather insignificant, because what is the likelihood that he ever would? The disbarrment results from the lies told or "untruthinesses" told in a prior deposition and perhaps other issues. Even so, Bill Clinton is perhaps the best representative the Democrats have and remains among its top celebrities. This man is no flash in the pan, he is knowledgeable, articulate, and charismatic. Additionally, he is a fine verbal tactition and strategic organizer. He remains an asset to the Democratic party eight years after leaving office and could probably win the nomination were he to enter the primaries. There is no more recognized Democrat and despite all the negatives that occured during his terms, he maintained a high public approval rating.

Shoot! I'd vote for the guy.
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 10:25 PM  
  • At Wednesday, October 18, 2006 10:58:00 PM, Blogger Andy D said…

    I don't think President Clinton would ever go back to practicing law. The reason he was disbarred was becuase he violated the conditions for being a lawyer in Arkansas. While I am not a Clinton fan, I think when his legacy is finally written in the history books, the fact that he was disbarred will probably not show up.

  • At Friday, October 20, 2006 3:45:00 PM, Blogger Domesticated Dog said…

    Agreed. Clinton is unlikely to ever return to practicing law and the removal of his privelege was less than a slap on the wrist. I also agree that this is a fact that is unlikely to be frelected in the history books of the future with the exception of highly detailed biographies. There are only so many pages in any book. I appreciate the comment about this interesting factoid.

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