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"Personality can open doors, but only character can keep them open."
-Elihu Burrit
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Absinthe Flip Recipe

1/2 oz Absinthe (Deva)
1/2 oz Cointreau
2 tsp Lemon juice
1 Egg
1 tsp Sugar
Mixing Instruction
Shake ingredients well with ice. Strain into a prechilled Delmonico glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top.
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A Rambling to Somewhere
Saturday, October 07, 2006

Whether it comes from food, oil, electricity, or the some solar burst - every day billions of people around the world and in virtually every community exchange a portion or all of yesterday’s gains to have the real energy to make it through another day. In short, real energy is the real energy of an economy.

The business of trade or exchange in energy products has a bright future all the way around. The risks are taken in the financing and the prospecting for the goods and the management of the costs for production, however, there is no risk in terms of demand for the base product. There is also the addition risk that energy company face in the form of selecting which type of energy to provide to the market as different applications require (or have been designed to require) a specific type of energy input (e.g. most automobiles = gas, oil furnace = oil, electric light bulb = electricity, etc…) that can cause the business models to fail, but the industry is always booming and demand is always there. The degree to which this is true is obvious when one realizes the food is a source of energy.

Considering this energy and agricultural companies, energy and agricultural producers, and energy and agricultural suppliers are the great powerhouses of the economy. And, the decisions made by the corporate entities, which dominate these markets determine the fitness of virtually every member of the modern world. Imagine this corporations – contrived entities are now capable of laying siege on entire civilizations if it is determined that service to a market is inconsistent with its corporate objectives.

This is far from a call for corporate social responsibility or a needs based request for corporation to do more to serve the public, but it is a minor reminder that populations of most cities would fail to survive a month in the absence of voluntary or involuntary delivery of service by the corporation that controls the resources that are needed fulfill some of our basic needs.

posted by Domesticated Dog @ 12:12 PM  
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