Military Commissions Act of 2006: Signed |
Wednesday, October 18, 2006 |
I have yet to read the full text of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, but I've found some websites with commentary about it. I need to get some background on the matter to form an opinion and I know this one is important enough to read. The effect of legislation have a tendency to reach beyond the contemporary time and space in which they are drafted. That being said, legislation can come back to bite you. Although it would seem unreasonable for terrorism legislation to be used against law abiding US citizens - any change in the rules is important to watch because it changes the rules that you have to live by and, depending on the authority, the degree to which your life may be altered without sanction.
- Human Rights Watch - Q & A: Military Commissions Act of 2006
- Turning Bad Policy Into Bad Law
- Library of Congress - As Passed by Senate
- PDF Text of Military Commissions Act of 2006
- Kieth Olbermann - MSNBC - Beginning of the End of America
From what I've read and heard about the act, it would seem that the authors of the legislation have deemed it appropriate that we definitely sacrifice rights in order to possibly stop criminal activity. So it be, eh? Bush says this legislaion is very important for the war against terror. There are a lot of people that I meet who are concerned about future despotism and the institution of Executive Order to bring about Marshall law and the loss of freedom and, forasmuch as I have disagreed with them on many issues, it seems that every few days there is more and more to be concerned about. We certainly place a great deal of trust in our government to manage its power in our interest.
This is definitely a piece of legislation worth looking into. Of course, if it is half as dreadful as described by some, we won't need to know what it says because we wil eventualy be informed through personal or vicarious experience. |
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 11:29 PM   |