A Programmed Public |
Saturday, November 04, 2006 |
The masses. The people. The society. The public. Each of these phrases is used to identify an undefined and loosely coordinated entity that for the purpose of presenting it as a defined whole. Each of these terms represents an abstract tool for creating an identity set. These are terms and phrases that are you to assist each of us in our programming by - another abstract - the media.
Our world is littered with generalizations. To a degree it is almost impossible to effectively and effeciently communicate wihtout the use of these generalizations. This works to the detriment and adavantage of each individual.
Examine the phrasing of speeches and presentation and consider whether or not you are being led to conclusions based on accurate generalizations. There is a reason why media outlets refer to their products and services as programming. The more you can reject and the more paradoxes you are willing and able to process the more freedom you will experience under any administration or governmental system.
Well, now enters into the population the most programmed and fragmented generation in at least a century. A generation enters that has been trained in similar manners while having access to diverse media outlets. The first generations who have been raised on more than three TV networks enters the marketplace. Expect confused votes in the future and erratic swings in public suuport for valuse initiatives in fifteen years, when the divided and confused new public rears its head.
We are fortunate to live in a "democratic society." Unfortunately, a very limited portion of the population understands the terms of the democracy and actively participates in the processes. It is possible that most efforts to alter the "system" fail, not because of there merits, but because those who attempt to alter or modify the system in which they exist fail to understand the rules of the system.
Conspiracy theories abound and, indeed, those who do not believe in conspiracies fail to understand the system we live in and the basic outcomes that system will inevitably produce. This is in part due to the fact the comprehensive ability of any individual is finite.
For the moment, consider the governmental system that we have - that has performed perhaps as well - if not better than any governmental system ever. Our governmental system is, in theory, based on the opinions and values of the public at large. The masses determine the direction of the nature. Yet, a more sophisticated analysis of the system clearly indicates that that was not the purpose of the system. Our governmental system is designed to limit the power to a smaller group - for the purpose of effeciency in the creation and dispensation law. Evidence of this can be found in the fact that representative for the public are elected and it is this elect that is supposed to make key decisions.
The power of the people has limited penetration into goverenment procedure as appointments are made. These apointments serve to limit the reach of the individual decision into the practice of governement and also serve to make the government itself more efficient. It is those that are appointed to position that craft much of what becomes the public programs and the values that many of us hold are as much a result of what we have been told or encouraged to think about as they are the values that we hold to represent our own best interest.
We will soon voluntarily give up all our rights. This will be a well deserved outcome for generations that have failed to learn what they were in the first place. |
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 7:41 PM   |