Election Season - What is this Vote For |
Monday, February 11, 2008 |
Wow, has anyone ever seen a primary season like this one? It seems as thought the election season started the moment the last election was over.
Kerry and Edwards lost the election and Edwards apparently didn't find out until he withdraw from this race as a presidential candidate. I guess he really wants to be vice president. Personally, I do no see John Edwards as an asset to either campaign. In the beginning of the primary season he seemed to wishy washy and seemed to be developing a strategy for how he was going to run his campaign and who he was going to be. I could understand how cautious he was though, considering how many lawyers were on the stage with him.
The Democrats have two very strong candidates for office. Both make for their lack of governmental management experience with political savvy. Apparently actual experience carrying out the function of a political office are not key considerations for Democrats (and quite possibly Independents) otherwise Biden, Dodd, or Richardson would have come closer to receiving the nod. It is amazing that Edwards was able to outperform either of them. Well, nation, be inspired and hope that, if one of these candidates is elected that they are prepared to tackle the tasks at hand. Both by everything I can tell are incredibly intelligent and without a doubt up to the task.
Hilary does have an advantage by virtue of being around Washington and key political players for more than 30 years, however, this is also her greatest weakness in the national election. Obama has the advantage, because it would appear that he owes less people favors, but that will his weakness in an actual presidency, because less people will owe him favors - that means they get to insert more pork.
The Clinton and Obama healthcare plans bear so many similarities it is almost not worth discussing the differences. Clinton mandates (forces you to have coverage) and the Obama plan does not mandate that you have coverage. Essentially, Clinton usurps your right to choose and Obama leaves your right to choose - which I believe is one reason that independents, republicans, and people who respond well to the respect of personal liberty should favor Obama over Clinton. Considering how adamant they are about their positions and how much they appear to desire change laws, the public would be better served, perhaps, if they were presently working this hard to get it done in the congress they have now. They are after all Senators and the formation legislation is the responsibility of the elected officials in the legislature, the president gets to make a decision on whether or not he will endorse the legislation or so one might think, after glancing at the constitution.
Links to Articles: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/04/opinion/04krugman.html |
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 7:10 AM   |