Attacks on Obama (Clinton's Snipe), McCain's Problems, |
Friday, February 22, 2008 |
Clinton's snipe on Obama in last night's debate is all in the news. you tube has some videos that should minimize the effects of the snipe, but overall the attack on the words used in a speech will be more damaging to Clinton and Obama, so long as the Obama campaign avoids getting skittish and "watching their words". Obama is at his best against all the candidates when the free-wheeling exchanges occur. The GOP would be better off in a head-to-head to have Romney or Huckabee up there. In fact, if they had not spent so much time trying to run Ron Paul off the tracks, Ron Paul would be an extremely viable change candidate. Remember, McCain was run over by Bush - Karl Rove surely is a mastermind and does not get enough credit. (You don't have to like a man to appreciates excellence... he is a hired to do a job and does it, extremely well).
Obama needs to shift into heavy substance and exploit the fact that his opposition is completely embroiled in rhetoric and that the GOP candidates are at risk of drowning in their own ideology that does not have a good by the numbers effect on the average American and those in the lower economic categories. Hispanics, really should examine what republican policies mean for most Hispanics - particularly recent immigrants. The people in the hill country and non-urban counties also need to really ask themselves if republican policies really benefited them when the recession arrives. Those folks who were able to sell land to developers when interest rates were lowered to make it appear as though there was an strong foundational economic recovery - and everybody and there brother could get a loan by proving that they were breathing (or were at least breathing recently) - benefited greatly. A bunch of folks got Clampett rich, but those who didn't and are out in the rural areas now are looking to get punched in the gut. Expansion will slow and a lot of rural economies will be set back to where they were years before.
I think the reason that the candidates are not parading around the numbers of their positions is that none of them really has a solutions for the problems that are coming. The Federal Reserve will make or break the next president, and as such, can turn someone into Jimmy Carter pretty quick.
McCain has Problems with the Lobbyist Charges: McCain is surrounded by lobbyists this hardly says independent-minded and says that this man will owe a lot of favors for the favors (fund) provided. Do you want lobbyist running the country? They certainly are doing their art to run the McCain campaign. Lobbyists are not necessarily bad, but they do skew the process in favor of the people that most people aren't - they are kind of anti-democratic.
- McCain has 26 registered lobbyists as campaign advisers.
- Clinton has 11 register lobbyists as campaign advisers.
- Obama has 0 (Zero) registered lobbyists as campaign advisers.
In an Obama vs. McCain campaign there are dozens, if not thousands, of ways to use this in rebuttals to McCain attacks and there will be plenty of opportunity to utilize this in debates. In addition to the baggage that each candidate has there will be the baggage associated with each lobbyist - and their can only be so many degrees between the folks McCain knows and Jack Abramoff.
With the particular charges related to Vicki Iseman, McCain tripped into some strange phrasing, if the quotes are accurate in an article published in Huffington Post. Somebody help him! Fast!. The Hiffingpost is undoubtedly biased against him, but he put a welcome mat on the scandal dor almost demanding an innuendo laced article. Are the quote contained real?? I'm curious if anyone has video of these.
McCain has Money Problems: John McCain helped to assemble the McCain-Feingold Act. John McCain got steamrolled by the Bush bankroll and is proud of his record of "getting campaigns to play by the rules". This is not to say that he is looking violate McCain-Feingold, but his recent request to Federal Election Commission (FEC) to be excused from the "binding contract" he entered into in order to keep his campaign on the road, when it clearly looked as though he was out of gas. The reason that I bring up McCain-Feingold is because he needs soft money and he needs to get money in large chunks, the best GOP candidate at raising the small funds was Ron Paul - McCain does not represent a movement.
Take a look at this February 19 letter from the FEC to Senator McCain and then see the image below. I hope it is clear enough to view.
 If the FEC, lets McCain off the hook through its quorum, this is bad president for election regulation and a great reason not to contribute the campaign funds when taxes are filed. The Federal Election Commission should not allow him out of a "binding contract" anymore than a bank should let you out of a 2nd mortgage after you have spent the money on something else. This request is disgusting from Mr. Straight-Talk. A binding contract is a binding contract and the only way for him to get out is to weasel and pull strings and call in favors. If he gets out of this agreement, he absolutely opens the door for Obama to without hesitation back off his promise to use public funds for the general election and, if Clinton is the candidate (and the chance is still there for her) she will stick him to the wall with this recent "flip-flop".
There is a good article on McCain and his situation with Federal Election Commission at TownHall.com.
Obama and McCain Need to Get Away from His Position on Public Financing for his Campaign: Obama has stated that he will commit public financing (which he needs to back off of). Obama, should simply conduct a democratic poll and find out if his constituents and probably voters want to him to use federal money and weaken his chances of victory and bringing in the change his supporters want or, if he should go for broke with their help and try to win the whole shooting match.
McCain should do the same, but if the FEC holds (after his lawyers get to them), McCain will need to do the same thing, but he needs to have some money to get the word out. McCain is better off if his opponent using public funds, because he will half some trouble in a general election. |
posted by Domesticated Dog @ 5:04 PM   |